again i am going to open one secret of this world.
one point i have specially noticed in any event is Allah is just seeing
(all good from Allah and all bad is from Allah swt never forget this)
he will not do anything TO ANYBODY
unless asked (except for Ibrahim A.S case.)
otherwise Islam would had propersed in everypart of world
there would had been no non beleivers anywhere
so never forget
if somebody is ill in your family
you have to take them to hospital or let them like that or do something or run yourself.
or others guide you or help you or stop you,
this is a test for you every second
you use it or waste it
let us evaluate previos periods for better understanding
all is in Quran Prophet after Prophet there periods came and went away
there was only 1 golden age in this planet
which was period of our beloved Prophet. S.A.W
you can study how it was yourself
the companions were never like before or after
(for example
hazrat haroon rasheed we all know
once his friend came to him and told him you are no good at all
you never treat us like Prophet did to Hazrat Abu Hurairah r.a
he said you become like Abu Hurairah i will try to become like Prophet
so here we can understand
friends cannot be like that, neither can we with them
and next we can see why companions were important in islam)
in this world
each Prophet were sent to different types of people
some were strong
some were living in luxuries
some were shameless
some were eating profit in uneven manners
what about us
as per above we are also sailing in one period
and next generation will have another period
period without knowledge
keep in mind Allah gave certain knowledge to them (and certain to
us)(yes for exam to test them and us according to his will)
since 19th centurry there were no inventions
or inventions limited to knowledge
but human mind was same and will remain same be it small or big thinker
as christopher columbus or napolean or captain cook etc
all tried to discover world on there own
to find new land or scape the plot of this world
they wanted to discover earht was flat or round
there weaponry varies to us today
there travelling varies
there eating varies
but wine remains as usual
there were no boundaries to lands to countries
people would fight
kings fight and kill other kings
occupy lands
period with knowledge
i dont know about before born or what not seen
i have so much knowledge only by hearing
sorry i could not write before from 18th century my my brain is void for it
19th century
i made one sentence before and would like it use it again as i like this sentence
When candles gave way to light’s, when carts transformed into cars,
man changed fire and water into electricity,
the 19th century was the
time of rapid development of thermodynamics and Information Technology.
Still recently we knew very little about one of the most complexes on
everyday’s length and energy scales systems
so one thing you should observe is
yes i have observed we have been given more knowledge than previous people many times
meeting different people
our eating
we are 7.2 billion and happily stacked our fridge with different different eating varieties of food
salads deserts spicy sour etc etc
all countries have satisfactory food except Afica(mostly because of stupidity of humans and less due to climate)
I myself is penniless rightnow but 2 weeks of kings type of food stocked.with dessert
how is that possible
hybrid seeds- my friends and brothers
which has lost the real power what Allah has usually made grain for
but can feed billions without any problems and with good packaging by companies
it happened in 60 or 70's
we have ground breaking vaccines
due to researches
we can see what type of or different type of bacteria when was it originated
what cause
what more it can become
and thanks to that
Allah has given millions of diseases to only one part of tissue
i am not talking about part of body but part of tissue
as we have become weak
no original food is available right now
cloth production for 7.2 billion
after that human features came,shortness and foolishness came in clothes
as excessive
water production like lakes(that was in past too)
but powerful motors to all kind of works.
etc etc etc
right now we are exploring space beyond our wildest dreams
travelling in space
planing to goto mars
perfect calculations of orbiting of stars billions of light year away
perfect things to fight now
can destroy in seconds
perfect boundaries of countries
big benefit is that we cannot occupy that others land
no killings over land
we are researching in each and every thing in this world
we have mapped venus mars and others
etc etc etc etc many many things
if there were no processes then
you study school
then college then professional college
then highest degree
then best job in the world
in any part of the world
you study doctors
or any other study
have you thought is it right in islam
it is good news brothers
Yes it is right in islam
(i dont think schooling or college study is right for girls)
this is the knowledge which Allah has bestowed upon this period
each part of study is bestowed by grace of Allah
like computer science or electrical or mechanical or civil
all have benefits to humans
if you observe you will find it
but earning is problem
it will make ways for you to be lazy in islam
sorry some force is not letting me write further
so i forgot
will write if remember again
it is like filling an empty jar
it fills now
it fills now
it fills now
is it full not yet so is this like a process also
so what about next generation knowledg level?
again from zero or still following us.and continue us.
though be any period
human heart will attain peace only in zikr of Allah
as now i can see humans like there attitude ,features ,what is given to them
how he uses many things, i can derive there heart with this.
you people are intelligent more than me you can see more now.