Sunday, 28 June 2015

commode design

once jews asked Harzat Umar how do you perform your business in wahroom he told the method for which they replied what a religion which teaches how to perform your duty in there
Harzat Umar said that is the beauty of our religion

our religion has everything in it, no other religion has that
if others have they have copied from islam from centuries
or it is the desire of human nafs

how many of you didnt even think living so many years in foriegn land i dont need any sunna to perform my business in washroom
what a pity
so many years and not a single thought i m missing a sunna for so many years
i am talking about the commode we use it is not indian it is foreign isnt it
i thought let me share it why to keep it myself as usual.
you need to pucker up some money from your pockets
buy some 4 blocks of thick lumber wood
2 smalls ones and 2 big ones
to attach them plywood
2 small ones are for lower step
2 big ones to sit on it
attach the plywood and you need to chisel it for design of commode adjustment
sorry no pictorials all left for your imagination