i ask everyone of you what is benefit of doing miswaak
think 2 mins and gather your thoughts, and then continue to read this email
it is the ORDER OF ALLAH
has anybody thought of that
you say it is sunna
i heard from turkey people about definition of sunna
sunna means if you do it,it is benefit otherwise there is no sin
in a way it is correct,but for your ownself(but from Islamic point of view it is wrong)
it is not beneficial to your family or friends or relatives or even to strangers,
as thinking is totally changed(which will become lie)
i asked all of you a question,what did your thoughts say
it have 24 benefits to teeth to body
it recovers fresh breathing smell bla bla blah...
but anybody thought oh it is from Allah on order of Allah our prophet showed us this best thing
it simply shows you prefer love of this world IN ORDER FROM ALLAH(miswaak), to love of Allah swt and dear Prophet
it shows taqwaa
for example this human is made of nasty thing called nafs
let me explain
you prefer beautiful gal as wife,if many much better,if millions nothing is worse as it gets more
you prefer enjoyment
you prefer best food drinks riches
you prefer no work and relaxation on coolest place on earth
your eyes need best thing that fufills lust of it
but i say get up pray fajr
you say no,them somehow force yourself to pray,
oh fear of fire of hell.oh i dont need it so somehow up and down finish it
you see what is nafs now
nafs is evil BY NATURE
nothing i can do or you can do
but you can put a collerbelt in its neck(that belt name is Taqwa,the problem with non believers,they have no taqwa as no knowledge )
how by making yourself human
so is this base of our exam
i observed one more thing
see when we die we need imaan to take with us
what is imaan
it is resultant of humanity what we produce
means Allah has confirmed on this method other methods are all rejected
this method is shown practically by our Dear Prophet S.A.W
that is called sunna
now let me explain sunna
for example there is one club of very very very filthy rich people only
no poor people are allowed
there traits are they have beard
they cut nails
they trim pubic area hair
they trim armpits hair
(as said in one hadees )
these are the traits of all the prophets which Allah has sent
and this traits we all know as in 1 hadees
dont you want to be in that rich club
i want to inshallah
i dont want to be poor when i m resurrected
that is benefit of only 1 hadees which i said
in one hadees our Dear Prophet has said following 1 sunna is making alive humanity
can you see that now
all what i wrote is the (description)conclusion of the this hadees
there are many non believers who say to me we follow christianity that is also from Allah
so what is wrong in that for that i found out
in Quran Allah swt says we sent Ibrahim A.s Musa A.s Isa A.s then why dont you believe in last Prophet
so some people told me we do believe in him,but what is wrong in fore religions
so still i found out that
inna dina indalllahil islaam
for example
i signed a contract with mercedes, for 1 year
and then contract is over then later i signed contract for audi
can i take mercedes security card to getin audi company
not possible
say in audi i have heavy salary than before, flexible hours and easy job, they give me house and car and holidays etc..which i had none in previous company
so is the case
in our people also there is similar problem
like one brother was praying zuhr prayer early than time started, in makrooh time
i told him pray later for which he told me i saw a turkey people praying on same time
can you justify now, anybody?
it is belief which has minted on the human mind,
making right is the main objective for us that is why we have so many years of life
all starts with odd to small minds shud be sincere then only it changes with mercy of Allah swt
we have only 1 big problem, we forget
to remember we need to study monthly all hadees all benefits of days or months
that is why taalim is important to make us remember
shud make a routine to sit alone or with family to read some hadees of benefits of months or understand Quran verse
or to correct our prayers
as prayers need constant focus,Hazrat Gibril came to our Prophet 700 times or more just telling correct your prayers
then how many counts we need.
sorry all is jumbled without any proper topic in mind