Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Allah already has made pairs, after marriage exam continues

When a boys wait for perfect girl its playboy's fault
When girls wait for perfect boy its disney's fault
todays information sources has totally spoiled each and every ones brain
everybody wants perfect match(fault of foreign girls and movies)
in Quran Allah says that he self has made a match for you
means it is already decided
i have 2 different verses telling same thing

i have seen girls also who are rich,they have totally crap information stored
means nothing is useful in any aspect
my father told me once in my grandparents period
my great grandfather just knew the lad and gave him his daughter
i told what? means without knowing anything anybodys background
today even if you search the background
there will be faults
once somebody quareled with me he told me you are also not perfect from head to toe
you dont have cap he told me
i could not tell the reason
but the answer is Allah is not asking you 100/100
he is asking do as much as neki so that you could be saved
(Atiullaha va atiurasool)
i have bad qualities and good qualities
it is upto me what i can increase more
if i have good qualities,everybody appreciates me
if have more bad qualities,everybody will not listen to me nor come close to me,nor even to talk to me
if Allah doesnt like that amal
then from him comes degradation
then whole world will know it.
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.

(  سورة الروم  , Ar-Room, Chapter #30, Verse #21)

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