Saturday, 1 March 2014

namaz pt 1

i have many experiences about only 1 thing

human feature
this thing prayer(namaz)is the only thing which can teach you all humanity if prayed properly
so best gift for us
you should be like i will leave all things
except prayers so best thing
i am going to give you my what they call in hindi bhramha astra(translate yourself)
means most valuable thing to me than anything in this world
you have it already
it is prayers
just sitting or standing or reading is not prayer
once somebody asked our prophet what is better than prayer
he answered(S.A.W) the essence of prayer
my astr is also that
in prayers after body peace

there is only concerntration left
means you can concerntrate on reading with heart or world with heart
you can increase or decrease
that is why our enemy has power in prayers also (from will of Allah)
to pull you back
so you hold strong to rope in prayers
and he pulls back
so stronger you get
not physically
so have you seen
what is food of soul now with proof.
the things which i mentioned in my prevous mails
about i got this i got that i get this and that
i have no special power
i use what is given
my prayers
all what i have is from prayers only
so find Allah in namaz not the world

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