Thursday, 10 July 2014

different people different azaab and time allotment

people who have really found Allah they know how Allah treats if some misdeed is done in order or Allah
for example all people like
people of Aad
People of Madyan
all have been in net of Allah for doing one misdeed that crossed the boundaries
our Beloved Prophet has saved us
as our people has already started from small to big misdeeds
first with eyes shamelessness then music then cross the limit
then after that no sin is a sin
so we can see all misdeeds all are happening like all in one
but Allah is not punishing now
believe me you dont know the power of Allah
no body knows except Allah and his Prophet better
that is why we need to fear
we are also some time or the other do cross the limit
but we are not made into mud or changed into monkeys or just erased drastically
just due to tears and begging and duas of our Prophet
Quran says
dar hum yakhuzu  yalaa' bu
means leave these people as there enjoyement is for a day or two then never ending cursed life.
so which means
this verse if for purely for kaafir and other people
not for muslimeen
Kafir if sins is allotment of more time
if muslim sins then straight devastation from Allah
but he is saved as due to Dua of our Prophet
but he will have small small torments(azaab) so that he can do astaghfaar or tauba
but still Allah still gives time to muslim as well some more some more then Azaab
ref;Quran says nuzi khannaahum minal Azaabil adnaa dunal azaabil akbar laa'allahumyarjiuun.

which means Allah is dealing muslim and kaafir separately as we are different we totally believe in Allah

which means Allah is not seeing or cares what act or deed they do be it mountain size or pebble size
as time is given
present time
if you observe
you will never i know that so listen to people who observe
you can be wali at this period of time by
and Quran
and sunnah
as on judgment day Allah will give keys of heaven in our Prophet hand
and heaven will open for FIRST TIME only  for our Dearest Prophet S.A.W
until then it will be still locked.
so there is a meaning in what i am saying if you think
if you want to be a muslim
you have to give up you have to sacrifice to save yourself from hell fire
you have to give up music
the thing i noticed is for imagination
Quran is a book to be read and understand Allah and his creation and
what to do and what not to do
so imagination is needed
but movies and tv or internet destroys your imagination
imagination is process of rememebering things like photogenetically
you destroy its natural process by force feeding odd images from shameless to ugly
so you change the process of imagination which give rise to reasoning
as i told everything is preprgrammed.
you are your own helper and destroyer.

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