Sunday 16 August 2015


first of all learning should be according to age
if you make an old man sit with iron fist then it will count as tyranny.
if you make a child then that is parenting, but dont overdo it, overdoing is not liked by Allah swt in any matter
learning can be you seed a desire in you
or somebody makes you learn
or occasion or atmosphere for it
seeing todays world i can say is, force yourself to it

Quran talks about 2 persons all the time
one is learned one
other is ignorant,here ignorant is nothing but no knowledge means illitrate means no proper education
even if you have education your heart does not work on it,as your heart does not accepts
as there is no hidayat for that.
in this world everything is in control of Allah swt but only heart is left free,that is why we desire we can get it.(but with hidden mercy of Allah swt)

people think only when you are child learning is done
no that is not the case
in every stage of life you have new things to learn for coming tests
like to child- grasping is learning stage
next toddler- language learning is another stage
then adolescent- learning humanity,About Allah swt,Prophet, life and exam is another stage
adulthood (ripened stage of life)- amal, all things of adultworld and taqwa and patience has to be learned,learning of basic things that shuold be learned in childhood now will be difficult.
middleage - maturity means complete understanding of things
oldage- i dont know right now.i havent observed.
forgot some will write if remembered

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