what is islam
we all know it is the religion from Allah swt
true meaning will not be able to define but can feel it.if you want to
define then it will be small children definitions only
the true soul of islam is to change you
even in masjid nabawi when you go for ziyara selfie is important than greeting the Prophet properly
i thank Allah that we are born now after 1500 if our dear Prophet was present i dont know what we would make it of.
so low thinking
all causes have only 1 enemy it is illitracy
there are other sections like angels , holy books, enemy or even hadees
we dont have to run anywhere to know the facts what islam said
but these 2 are important now
but it is pity to the world and mute person like is blessed
let me tell you the present state of world
you can know the present sate of world as what comes down from above
means i keep observing blessings which come from Allah swt
presently the world has lost essence of islam
that is why the protection layer is totally gone now
that layer comes from good doings of believers
the air which is overall is of kufr
proof - you can see once big ulama aalim candidates or good muslims, are now captured in worldly desires
or talk about world only or do some form of stupidity
kafir are the happiest
enemys are gaurdians now if you keep them happy you live happily vice versa
if you want to stay muslim special mercy of Allah is needed given to you specifically
if not you can see all feud upon you by relatives or coworkers or even brothers will do
i am the weakest ,even seeing this i pray but no use as i am weak
islam facts
1. Allah you can find Allah in anything
i found Allah in leaves in ice in plants in lakes in moutains in universe
now in his mercy upon each and everyone.
second fact
treat others
for that you have to focus on islam what it says
it says ,o human body change to order of Allah swt be a muslim ,morally
all in Quran
it gave stories of Aad samud firaun etc many times
many times there name came why
it gave reason that they followed there desires
following desires means
me myself for me i etc
so islam is brotherhood treat others etc
sahih buqari says
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: A man asked the Prophet , "What sort of deeds or (what qualities of) Islam are good?"
the Prophet replied, 'To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you do not Know (See Hadith No. 27).
(Book #2, Hadith #11)
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: A man asked the Prophet , "What sort of deeds or (what qualities of) Islam are good?"
the Prophet replied, 'To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you do not Know (See Hadith No. 27).
(Book #2, Hadith #11)
so islam is only 2 section study
find Allah
find Allah
treat yourself from problem of me (means believe in Allah in all situation or for others as well)
Allah is most merciful
so he wants you alll to me merciful on others as well
what is illitracy
some work you do and you dont know it you did not learn it how you should have learned it
ignorant or stupid people are best examples
the time period when i was with my friends they know exactly how stupid i was
it is hearts nafs nastiest desire not to learn anything
as nafs is made purely for enjoyment
it is mercy of Allah what position what knowledge of deen you have it is his blessings
the previous ummah as less true word of Allah in form of books
so they straight way denied Allah has his Prophet
they asked proof
they were given but still denied it
as they followed hearts desires
simply telling they did not want to learn
we have been given everything start to end knowledge
for anything you can study start till end
that is why many aare aalims in there respective fields
we can treat nafs
we can treat lust
we can treat greediness
we can treat kufr
we can treat any disorder
we have been given direct link with Allah (prayers and Quran)
nobody has or had
we have given vip postion before our death
in my eyes biggest blessing is
we have given to be in best ummah whose Propet Allah loves the most
for whom he gave universe the aalamin its position
for whom he gave human a form a postion
position that angels should work with them
it is just only because of our dear Prophet.
sahaba were given position of RA
next generation was given position of tabayin
next tabe tabayin etc
his name is joined in kalima of witness
without that nobody is called muslim of this umma
human feature for travelling
traveling is seriious task in way of Allah
first read what Ibrahim AS traveled for that traveling he was true believer of one Allah alone
Uzair As traveled while traveling he saw a village upside down why
Musa As traveled to learn taking break from Prophet to hazrat Khizar
(this best example of learning also, if you want to learn there is 1 form of true information for that you need to go,
to that source then you can get it)
example once i say to my mother a word as solar heater she remembers i saw that solar heater in my cousins house they have it
not like no we can have it we are having it no,so how she learned she remembers it
that is basic human feature for learning.
why young and old sahaba traveled from there natives places to Mecca as
there was true person who was guiding them to truest path
Salman farsi ra, there are many whose names i dont remembre sorry.
ther is first hadees in sahih buqari
which says
what intention you travel you will find it
means Allah mercy willbe for that to help you
if you travel for Allah in Quran Allah said you will find with SURE
can you have chat with obama or angela merkel or india pm no
but Allah surity is the deal
if you travel to studies you will fulfill inshallah
the hadees says
Quran talks about illitracy all the time
it says in form of like to ignorant people
kufr is also 1 form of illitracy denying Allah swt.
the break of illitracy is learn properly the true meaning
Islam has many definitions one which i found out is true meaning of the word
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