Saturday, 31 May 2014


there are 2 types of people in world
intelligent and foolish
there are 2 types of people in hyderabad
clever and foolish
intelligent means making complex work to easy solution
clever means fooling people for self benefit.
they have constant anger
there eye brows always heavy like in stress or mountain of tension on them
there is one hadees
all hyderabad should follow to live like humans
that is love comes from Allah and hatred comes from devil
i have noticed all of them carry hatred in hearts
all of them
living alone is only better solution
when i was 15 i remember clearly
i watched my cousin making jokes all of them laughing
man burned my heart that time
i used to ask Allah why cannot i talk like him
why cannot i favor people like him
Allah gave me hidayat
it is very easy
if they say something answer the exact or answer opposite
try it
you will not be discouraged
though been foolish i never used it
other method i learnt is try to repeat what they said or asked in funny voice.
i am doing i always man
somebody pray for me man
or i will be destroyed.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

The Azan (speech of Tareeq Jamil)

This Ummah was given the Adzan. Whereas, in previous Ummahs, some used to ring bells, play flutes, and others used to light a fire.
Allah alloted this Ummah the Adzan. Bilal (radiallahu anhu) was the first muadzin. (atwalu a’naaqan yaumal qiyaamah) The muadzin will be standing on the highest rank.
 Umar (radhiallahu anhu) used to say, “If I wouldn’t have been the Ameerul Mumineen, I would’ve been a muadzin.”
 Once, when the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) mentioned the virtues of the Adzan, Umar (radhiallahu anhu) said, “Oh Rasulullah! It seems that we will fight over calling the Azan.” The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “It will not be so, Oh Umar, a time will come when people will feel ashamed to give the Azan and the inferior people will be appointed to call the Azan.”
 And it is said about our Ummah (sadaqaatuhum fee butuunihim ya’kuluunahaa) “their zakat will be eaten by them.” Our zakat is taken from the rich and given to the needy, our zakat is distrubuted amongst ourselves.
Whereas, the previous Ummah’s  zakat  used to be kept on a mountain. A fire used to come from the sky and burn it to ashes. They couldn’t give their zakat to the poor. They could only give their nafal sadqah to the poor. Their zakat was for the fire: it wasn’t for them.
 Allah has pampered this Ummah so much. Once a bedouin came to the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and said, “Oh Prophet of Allah! I am ruined” the Propet asked him, “What happened?” He said, “I coopulated my wife while fasting.” The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) ordered him to free a slave. He said, “How can I afford to buy a slave, I only own self and I have no money.” So the Prophet (salllallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Feed sixty indigent persons.” He answered, “there is no one more needy than me in Medina.” So the Prophet ordered him to fast sixty days in atonement. At this he said, “I wasn’t able to refrain myself in one fast, what will I do in sixty days?” The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) started laughing and ordered him to wait, we’ll find some way out for you.
 Just then a man came in with a basket full of dates. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) asked, “Where is that bedouin?” He said, “I’m sitting here.” The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Take this and give this to the needy people of Medina in alms.” On hearing this, he exclaimed, “Oh Prophet of Allah, I swear by Allah, there is no one poorer than me in the whole of Medina, why don’t you give it to me?” The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) smiled and said, “Ok, so you take it, and this permission is for you not for anyone else,”
 Allah has pampered this Ummah to this extent. That bedouin commited a sin and he’s eating the penalty himself.
 Whosever is doing a great work, his faults are not taken notice of. If someone is labouring for me, and he makes a mistake, I will bear it. Because he is working for me I wouldn’t pay much heed.
 Allah has employed us for a great work, pass on My kalimah, publicize My message. And it is on this work Allah that gives us the reward. The Sahaaba (radhiallahu anhu) have sacrificed themselves and made every effort for the sake of propagating this message.
when i was 12 my younger brother of my grandpa,he made me give azan after seeing me regulars to prayers, after that my interest in islam grew with no bounds.
later to learn proper azan i travelled so much i dont want to tell.

beard pt2

whenever somebody sees my face
they forget there nafs
as my face recollect them for the duty of Allah
and they help me for cause of Allah
this is one more major benefit of beard
as i remember most strangers there reaction with me
other point i rememberd is
this other people who say son of ___
they celebrate this festival that festival all festivals are related to him only
but that is all lie i can say
as when they see my face the first and foremost they should remember is
he has face as our son of___
but what i observe is only doubt.
which is a big lesson for them as well.
i can say you people are really living your own desirous life with wrong beliefs
but i dont say them

heart and brain combination pt2

i have already told in my first mails
how heart and brain works
there combination is compulsory for all matters
i am not telling again
it is here if you want.

the further step is
i have given an example
of bicycle
that heart is pedal
and handle is brain
so if you stop pedalling life goes on
it can stay stable for until iman is left means the power to run the cycle is there
then you fall down with complete cycle

so you have to keep moving means
keeping your heart steady and sincere
for that zikr is required
day or night till you die
all forms of physical zikr like reading praying running for you brother all counts

the simple conclusion is
keeping listening to description of verses or hadees
or just keep studying hadees
atleast hour or half hour or 15 mins with all family members or friends or alone

daily is the only after prayers we waist time in world.


since beginning without grammar in brain
nothing in brain means keeping quiet
i used to observe each and everything and remember it
that is why i think a lot for anything
yes that is my personal agony

at certain age
when Allah clubbed me with my friends
then i saw
what i see others also see the same and conclude the same
but then an interest emerged.
then i got hidayat for it
i remember so clearly
 in age when sahaba accepted islam, when islam was new.


noticing something more

the signs, the warnings, the allot of time after sins
in Quran there are several signs to do what
to observe

why to strenghten the faith
that you dont see
but has given you signs that he is present and looking you every second.

observance is secondary eye looking for complete information.
it is an excitement like a work you started and will have complete
knowledge about
until you finish it

when you start to observe something
interest in human body spikes up
that is in human nature
then it will be a complete world in itself
keeping you intoxicated with its atmosphere.

observance is step 2 study
means you have climbed a step.

i have been given knowledge in one aspect only
you people have all aspects knowledge
so you can see more
the thing is you dont want to.

some verses for observing
[Baqarah 2:164] Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
and in the continuous alternation of night and day, and the ships
which sail the seas carrying what is of use to men, and the water
which Allah sends down from the sky thereby reviving the dead earth
and dispersing all kinds of beasts in it, and the movement of the
winds, and the obedient clouds between heaven and earth - certainly in
all these are signs for the intelligent.

[Nahl 16:48] And have they not observed that the shadows of the things
Allah has created incline to the right and to the left, in prostration
to Allah, and that they are servile?

[Shua`ra 26:7] Have they not seen the earth, that how many honourable
pairs We have created in it?

stability of heart

[Hashr 59:21] Had We sent down this Qur’an upon a mountain, you would
have then surely seen it bowed down, blown to bits by the fear of
Allah; and We illustrate such examples for people, for them to ponder.

i used to wonder mountain so much weightone how come it cannot hold such a verse
then this verse says fear of Allah
then there is no doubt the more fearing is our beloved Prophet

then other point also is human creation
i see non believers
sinning after sinning after again sinning
no purity no wuzu no forgiveness
there hearts i wonder how it has survived so much ugliness
it is stability of hearts
this verse is pointing out to.
sinning daily seeing sinful
hands sinful
legs sinful
hearts sinful
that is why they appear all in black on judgment day

there is one more verse in Quran saying
after showing signs of universe i will show them signs in themselves

here means how human body works
means how much it can absorb all this sinning results.

boundary pt 2- addiction in world or betrayed in islam

“And be ye not like those who forgot Allah, and He made them forget
their own souls! Such are the rebellious transgressors!” [Al-Quran

this thing you have to keep eye every hour if possible
if you dont have mercy of Allah on you for this

that this is nafs

as i told previously
foundation of every desire is from nafs
as works of eyes is to only and only see and then brain manipulates
according to levels of iman
as if i dont see that thing then no desire of that thing will arise

so according to science
the most intelligent thing after brain in body is eyes
this also works according to rules of universe which Allah created
contact with other physical body according to light and distance
that is none of our concern
if you want signs of Allah then you do research
according to islam
who saves his eyes from shamelessness
he will have pure iman,faith,belief soul etc
as you cook rice after cooking it will be fresh
then after a day it will start to rot
same is the case if you look at shameless things
you will have rotten iman
nowhere useful
your prayers will not give its essence to your soul
so all other aspects you will be on ground only
there are 100 stories i can prove that started just by looking only
in islam

so there is one boundary for each and every thing be it bacteria or human
every part in human body has boundaries
if you cross that line
there is no hidayat for you
you are like out of your house in a desert
where there is no tree or water or any human
means 'betrayed' as said by Quran
in worldy words it is called addiction

if you have addiction then you are betrayed
it is so simple in statement.
if you are betrayed then nobody can help you
you are your only helper
until you come back to the line
there is no mercy of Allah

only people will say dont do this
dont do this
nothing else they can say to help you
until you dont stop with your own hands
you cannot come back to the border
once you reach that border
again a new life will start
from zero

as this is exam
so are the rules for this exam

the addiction
according to how Allah swt created us is
if you started it
then accoring to human nature it will feel less
you want more
next next you want more
like that you will never be full as
for that heart is always empty

you drink alcohol
this is exam
means you can drink unlimited
nobody is stopping you
is there any boundary or border for this

and you cannot drink at all and say
we fear Allah.

my best advice your eyes from shamelessness
you will see what is right or wrong(according to islam,of human working)
it keeps heart clean advice is stay in groups
never alone, with GOOD PEOPLE.

3.listen to speeches of prominent scholars.

work of heart is to differentiate right to wrong.
islam gives you principles of life for any aspect
it is not for particular reason for you for your problem
you have to find out which hadees or verse perfectly fits and can save me.

Qur’an Surah (Chapter) al-Talaq 65: 2+3
“…and whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out”
“…and whoever relies upon Allah, then indeed He is sufficient for him”

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

namaz pt5

if you are praying 5 times a day
Allah swt really likes you than most(i cannot give a measure)

it is better than
if you collect all millionares billionares,itelligent, stronger men,
all property men, all illusionists, enemies, all devils in one place,
with all there powers
and 1 namazi blessed with mercy of Allah to pray properly

nothing can compete the namazi

as said by our beloved Prophet
who leaves prayer are like has lost everything everything he has.

it is like you have appointment with president of America
and he listens to you specifically

Allah listens to you as giving you 100% priority
nothing else matters

as there is hadees where
Allah listens with muslim prays surah Fatiha in it
till 3rd ayat if prayers doesnt concerntrate properly
Allah says throw his prayer on his face.and that prayer is thrown on
his face on judgement day

and munkir nakir judge prayers on concerntration only
like 6% accepted 9% accepted like that depending on your concerntration.

why do you think muslims are poor

and other non muslims have invented all most all inventions uptil now
do you think muslims invented kepler telescope ? which is in space now
searching for life on other planets just like earth.
but the pics from it are unbelievable of different planets that they
are out there.
so many exoplanets.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

heart pt1

gift for shab miraj

let me give out one major working of heart

nothing gets on heart by itself

there should be some kick to get on heart
that thing is called inspiration

by this example you should understand the most working of heart
i love my mom very much than anything in this world
i care for her so much
if she says come running from there to here
i should be like start that second on that clothes
no thinking of slippers or shoes or any special clothes
or any distance be it thousands or hundreds of kilometers

what is happening here
can you think of something

there is something in your heart some potion like thing

let me get in detail here a bit
there are millions of rooms or sections in heart as well
how much love you bring to anything or anybody is upto you
say my love of my mom is more than the world
then thousand of kilomters will be only meters
hours will be seconds
for me to be near my mom

that is the power of love

(i will discuss about love in some other mail very EXTENSIVELY
as this is the thing i have tried to understand my whole life
i love this topic about love. more than any other topic i wrote or
will write in future.

AS presently your enemies are
devil or world
devil will bring out love of world to you
or twist you towards it.)

so back to point.

xxx can be anything you love
your lord or prophet or sahabi or brother or parents or wife or
children or women or money or property anything.

say i just met a stranger on the road i told him
drinking beer is haram in islam

will he care???

if i say turkey people
beard is one phycological sunna
will there hear?

if i say my brother
soak your blood in feet of your parents will he listen

so there are levels in love also
how  much you love you listen to them even if it costs your life

i am writing this ,
biggest hidayat i got while i being in UK ,working.
i know this is more than any value can buy this information

so observe.
why am i saying my hidayat to you people
there is Quran the most valuable book in universe
who cares his level in akhirat will love it
so i thought this information is same case.

im sorry that thing is inspiration just 1 name
that can be in any form like hidayat or force or speech or burden or
just a saying
or in any type

I m sorry for repetitions
I did not give any reference as

YOU HAVE to follow order how much your own will
Like there is one hadees of Prophet
That tou shud live him more than your life you shud chek like this for yourself

I have plainly given you a step to climb

absolute defense

do you like absolute defense from devil or miseries of this world

keep Quran in your heart
i have observed since childhood the faces of hafiz people
it is so peaceful always
so much tranquility

that is nothing but absolute defense
yes that is absolute
so start memorizing now verse by verse.5 mins are enough.daily.

supporting hadees i mentioned earllier are

The Holy Prophet said:
1) The best of you is he who learnt the Holy Quran and taught it to
others. (Bukhari)
2) Undoubtedly, the heart gets rusted like metal gets rusted when
water goes over it. The People asked, "How can they [hearts] be
cleaned." The Prophet replied, "To remember death in abundance and to
recite the Holy Quran." (Mishkat)
3) That chest which does not have any Quran in it is like an abandoned
house. (Tirmizi, Darmi)
4) Whoever read the Quran and memorized it and belived its' Halal to
be Halal and its Haram to be Haram [i.e., accepted it commandments of
Halal and Haraam], Allah will accept the intercession for such 10
people on from him whom Hell had already become Wajib. (Tirmizi,
5) Whoever is an expert in reciting the Holy Quran is with the Kiraman
Katebeen and whoever reads the Quran with pauses and it is difficult
for him, that is, his tounge does not move easily and he recites with
difficutly for him there are two rewards. (Bahar-e-Shariat)
6) The one who has memorized Quran will be told to read and climb and
recite with Tarteel (clear and distinct recitation) like you used to
read with Tarteel in the Dunya; your place will be where you read your
last Ayat. (Bahar-e-Shariat)
7) Allah says, "Whoever was kept busy with the [recitation] of Quran
from my Zikr and asking me, I will give him better than those who I
give to those who ask" and the excellence of the Word of Allah over
all the other words is like the excellence of Allah over all his
8) Learn the Quran and read it because whoever learned the Quran and
read it and did Qayam with it is like a bag filled with Musk whose
fragrance is spread everywhere and whoever learned the Quran and slept
that is he did not do Qiyamul Layl is like a bag which is filled with
Musk and its mouth has been closed. (Tirmizi, Ibn-e-Majah, Nisaee)
9) Read the Quran when you heart feels affection and attachment and
when your heart becomes bored stand up that is stop reciting the
Quran. (Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim)
10) Decorate the Quran with your (good) voices. (Mishkat)
11) O People of the Quran, do not make the Quran a pillow, that is do
not be lazy and be careless, and read the Quran in the day and night
like it is the Haq of Recitation, and spread it, that is, read with
good voices or do not take compensation for it, and whatever is in it,
reflect upon itso that you may attain success, and do not hurry in its
reward because the reward for it is great (which will be given in the
Akhirah). (Bahiqi)

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

all benefits from east and west will be with you.if u follow islam

I was pure introvert
That is why no close friends

Now shifting slowly slowly
As i have to earn

I have learned always
As forced into gladiator field with weapons in both hands
And forced to fight

I had no courage to talk to people
I use to curse a lot to people within
After hidayat from lord of aalamin left it like removing fly in milk

When leaving my country my father told me never speak to anybody about islam
I never told a single good thought or my thinking or stop from wrong
I listened everybody and kept quiet

Till 10 months ago my mom said if u know so much why dont u tell others

From then on i speak from mouth
Still speaking is difficult for me

I hate really entering world with such odd ugly faces with dead souls
to speak what Allah swt gave me

Some souls are so dead it is allover there faces
i fear speaking in front of them

I love zikr that was my life
Now i have to tell others

presently my enemies are muslims themselves
as there foolishness in front and back of them

they stop me
i ask dont they fear Allah
as i write i have to think so many times m i hurting somebody in someway
as first step of foolishness is misunderstanding.
i tell in one way others take it other way
what a world
i thought once i was biggest foolish on this planet once
a pure looser in many ways
but this people give me confidence
we are there dont you worry

for example
in india
as islam has died long ago
people follow only and only 5 pillars as islam
whenever i come to india or the period i live there
i thought if living here i can earn million neki without even doing any thing
cursing and bad words are so common
every time i have to save my iman
i tell astaghfar in heart
or Allah is seeing
before i use to say curse of Allah beupon you.'(to save my iman)
be it muslim or nonmuslim

nowadays prices are gone more than foreign countries in india
so to save iman i tell them decrease the prices they persist
so i buy not speaking a word
(since beginning i have no hidayat to buy at all so many of them
haggling there way with me so still my benefit)
again i benefit here as they return me lawfully there.

so you see a earning without even moving my legs or hands or mouth.

the condition is simple stick to islam
all benefits from east and west will be with you.

from my experience
if you run for a thing for several reasons then it is from Allah

if you run for a thing for one reason then it is only nafs and enemy behind it.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

present time

this is turmoiling upon my heart
i just want to remove it
in this present time i see
Allah is giving mostly to non muslims
satisfactory life without any troubles
or removing troubles in there path
even mason are earning means not without livelihood
as Allah is twisting hands and legs and other parts of body
of muslims by increasing troubles tribulations
as high expenses taxes high bills
uneven spendings
so the collections goes mostly to nonmuslim pockets
so you see..

you say muslims are blessed too
then Allah wants you away
it is will of Allah to bless you.
but mostly is not for here.
means this time is blessing for nonbelievers and some tough ride for muslims.
so work accordingly.

iman pt 1

this is also step 2 post.
means not beginner
we have religion
as i told earlier
it is complete life for muslim
prescribed by Allah
every step or any step you need
so it is on 5 pillars or 5 foundations you can say
so the five pillars are
fasting in ramazan
so the main body stands on these pillars
that is islam
you see
fasting in ramazan
are amali pillars
means you have to perform some how
there is one pillar
only accepted by heart
no amal here

without this 1 pillar all are useless
even following islam is useless
this one is observing thing
i canot give examples
you have to see it yourself in real life.

namaz pt 4

[Ankabut 29:45] O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), recite from the Book which has been sent down to you, and establish the prayer; indeed the prayer stops from indecency and evil; and indeed the remembrance of Allah is the greatest; and Allah knows all what you do.
one of benefits

 when i was around 12
as born i am weak so this things started to act upon
and i started to become ill
then i dont know my heart said be sincere for prayers
that year i never left single prayer and was never ill later
as said by hadees
this things enter from mouth and travel in body with speed of blood
so they stuck anywhere or where you are weak
in eyes or kidneys or liver or anywhere
as many as possible
so when i pray fajr or zuhr but mostly in Zuhr
i sense them running away so many times i really hate to concerntrate on there motion of inertia.
so most people nowadays dont pray regularly
they have this and that problem
who dont pray have most common problem that is heart(from my experience)
in one hadees
who prays all 5 is saved from there all wrongdoings.

you all are strong so dont worry of other dimension stuff
just follow islam everything is in it
pray all 5.

and i have sensed them
the time after fajr
they are hell of nasty
so please be awake or have some breakfast then sleep.
p.s dont think anything about me.

Human feature 15

very very important

once in lifetime you have to go out of your house in way of Allah
otherwise when you die you will carry doubtful iman

i am saying this seeing and studying so many of my brothers and friends

as they dont know which verse to use when in real life
if i am wrong check yourself
tell me which verse you use and when

some of you may have doubts is it right or wrong for something
you use instincts but not Quran
that is not we are born for

be rich or poor.
please atleast for 3 days go in way of Allah swt.
i can give many examples of myself and other brothers but i dont want
to make more witnesses.

i have seen some are on the gate of hell and comeback and again and again
same process
it is better to stay away from gate of hell as far as possible

in Quran Allah says clearly
who struggles for work of Allah will have no calculations
as in other hadees
Allah will feel awkward to ask them of life on earth on judgement day

search your places
ask in mosques
in my area there are no mosques but still people do go to other places
for khuruj.

the human feature here is to become strong (in belief) you HAVE TO go
in way of Allah swt. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.

in way of Allah means not for partying or camping or meeting ,it is
for learning.
a genuine niyyat.
i will write 100 times if you need to put your faith in this.Very very important

Monday, 5 May 2014

human feature 14

if you dont do any intention for anything
small to big

then you have to flow with the world
prevail along with the wind till end

namaz pt 3

let me give you my utmost best blessing
a lift to reach to Allah Swt.

in prayer
my heart starts thinking about things
i force myself to listen to Quran or to read Quran
means forcing my car in other direction
(that is big blessing)
m not gonna explain workit out yourself

you dont know what blessings you will get
you will get your brain can never think of .

i try to find Allah in sajda mostly
i felt tranquility so many times

Saturday, 3 May 2014

saying sunna you can leave some and do some

[Nisa 4:80] Whoever obeys the Noble Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah; and for those who turn away - We have not sent you as their saviour.

[Nisa 4:119] "And I will surely lead them astray, and I will certainly arouse desires in them, and I will definitely order them so they will pierce animals’ ears, and I will definitely order them so they will alter Allah’s creation"; and whoever chooses the devil for a friend instead of Allah, has indeed suffered a manifest loss.
beard is an creation of Allah comes on specified age of human

we were not born on our own
not die on our own
why dont we understand that

human feature 13

people understand things better after they are exposed to it
so is the base of this exam

true muslims

I have noticed few points which make u as true muslims
He respects everybody
He spends(from Quran)
Devil fears saqi
He is women protector not corruptor
He is trustee trust worthy to keep ur valuable under him
Today in my own family line i saw sister eating away brother property
and vice versa is very common

He stops others from wrong
My parents friends even sometimes stranger stopped me when i didn't
know it was wrong

Most important i saw our religion does this most above all are there
also is humanity
Consider other human equal to you

Isa A.S

[A/I`mran 3:49] “And he will be a Noble Messenger towards the Descendants of Israel saying, ‘I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, for I mould a birdlike sculpture from clay for you, and I blow into it and it instantly becomes a (living) bird, by Allah’s command; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I revive the dead, by Allah’s command; and I tell you what you eat and what you store in your houses; undoubtedly in these (miracles) is a great sign for you, if you are believers.’ (Several miracles bestowed to Prophet Eisa are mentioned here.)
in this ayat we can clearly see that Allah is mentioning that Isa A.S was sent for children of Israel not for all
another point we can see is Hazrat Yahya A.S was only 6 months older than Isa A.S.
dont say this other than muslims as all others are foolish as i told in previous emails


is really a big sign as said by Quran
as Allah has let us born
learn what ever we like
do whatever we like
there is appointed term for us to die
we can live as we like
so in Badr
humans are fighting humans
but Allah sent his angels marked ones
to fight from side of Muslims
as they were already less in numbers and only
14 sahaba were killed