[Hashr 59:21] Had We sent down this Qur’an upon a mountain, you would
have then surely seen it bowed down, blown to bits by the fear of
Allah; and We illustrate such examples for people, for them to ponder.
i used to wonder mountain so much weightone how come it cannot hold such a verse
then this verse says fear of Allah
then there is no doubt the more fearing is our beloved Prophet
then other point also is human creation
i see non believers
sinning after sinning after again sinning
no purity no wuzu no forgiveness
there hearts i wonder how it has survived so much ugliness
it is stability of hearts
this verse is pointing out to.
sinning daily seeing sinful
hands sinful
legs sinful
hearts sinful
that is why they appear all in black on judgment day
there is one more verse in Quran saying
after showing signs of universe i will show them signs in themselves
here means how human body works
means how much it can absorb all this sinning results.
have then surely seen it bowed down, blown to bits by the fear of
Allah; and We illustrate such examples for people, for them to ponder.
i used to wonder mountain so much weightone how come it cannot hold such a verse
then this verse says fear of Allah
then there is no doubt the more fearing is our beloved Prophet
then other point also is human creation
i see non believers
sinning after sinning after again sinning
no purity no wuzu no forgiveness
there hearts i wonder how it has survived so much ugliness
it is stability of hearts
this verse is pointing out to.
sinning daily seeing sinful
hands sinful
legs sinful
hearts sinful
that is why they appear all in black on judgment day
there is one more verse in Quran saying
after showing signs of universe i will show them signs in themselves
here means how human body works
means how much it can absorb all this sinning results.

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