since beginning without grammar in brain
nothing in brain means keeping quiet
i used to observe each and everything and remember it
that is why i think a lot for anything
yes that is my personal agony
at certain age
when Allah clubbed me with my friends
then i saw
what i see others also see the same and conclude the same
but then an interest emerged.
then i got hidayat for it
i remember so clearly
in age when sahaba accepted islam, when islam was new.
noticing something more
the signs, the warnings, the allot of time after sins
in Quran there are several signs to do what
to observe
why to strenghten the faith
that you dont see
but has given you signs that he is present and looking you every second.
observance is secondary eye looking for complete information.
it is an excitement like a work you started and will have complete
knowledge about
until you finish it
when you start to observe something
interest in human body spikes up
that is in human nature
then it will be a complete world in itself
keeping you intoxicated with its atmosphere.
observance is step 2 study
means you have climbed a step.
i have been given knowledge in one aspect only
you people have all aspects knowledge
so you can see more
the thing is you dont want to.
some verses for observing
[Baqarah 2:164] Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
and in the continuous alternation of night and day, and the ships
which sail the seas carrying what is of use to men, and the water
which Allah sends down from the sky thereby reviving the dead earth
and dispersing all kinds of beasts in it, and the movement of the
winds, and the obedient clouds between heaven and earth - certainly in
all these are signs for the intelligent.
[Nahl 16:48] And have they not observed that the shadows of the things
Allah has created incline to the right and to the left, in prostration
to Allah, and that they are servile?
[Shua`ra 26:7] Have they not seen the earth, that how many honourable
pairs We have created in it?
nothing in brain means keeping quiet
i used to observe each and everything and remember it
that is why i think a lot for anything
yes that is my personal agony
at certain age
when Allah clubbed me with my friends
then i saw
what i see others also see the same and conclude the same
but then an interest emerged.
then i got hidayat for it
i remember so clearly
in age when sahaba accepted islam, when islam was new.
noticing something more
the signs, the warnings, the allot of time after sins
in Quran there are several signs to do what
to observe
why to strenghten the faith
that you dont see
but has given you signs that he is present and looking you every second.
observance is secondary eye looking for complete information.
it is an excitement like a work you started and will have complete
knowledge about
until you finish it
when you start to observe something
interest in human body spikes up
that is in human nature
then it will be a complete world in itself
keeping you intoxicated with its atmosphere.
observance is step 2 study
means you have climbed a step.
i have been given knowledge in one aspect only
you people have all aspects knowledge
so you can see more
the thing is you dont want to.
some verses for observing
[Baqarah 2:164] Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
and in the continuous alternation of night and day, and the ships
which sail the seas carrying what is of use to men, and the water
which Allah sends down from the sky thereby reviving the dead earth
and dispersing all kinds of beasts in it, and the movement of the
winds, and the obedient clouds between heaven and earth - certainly in
all these are signs for the intelligent.
[Nahl 16:48] And have they not observed that the shadows of the things
Allah has created incline to the right and to the left, in prostration
to Allah, and that they are servile?
[Shua`ra 26:7] Have they not seen the earth, that how many honourable
pairs We have created in it?
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