Friday 27 December 2013

Who is Allah pt1

make attentive your hearts now

One greatest meaning of this life is we have to find

who is Allah

Believe me
We dont know our creator at all
We r just doodling with hope of just finishing our term in this planet and entering heaven nothing else

It good as the exam is for the same to enter heaven

can anybody answer me what is our exam about?
Our exam is to find Allah
In our own ways
That is why different brain to all
Means different stability to understand on our own speed
how are you going to find Allah
getting up early, praying fajr, running to office at 6 am then signing in in office,
chatting with colleagues ,boss, working hard on company project going away to home at 6 or 7 pm
or even late as you have to work on project
drawing fat pay at the end of the month?
enjoying weekend with family with friends

just a life as people of aad and samud lived
dont you see how often Allah mentions there names in Quran
to make you awake dont live this life as a dream.

Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalamin

he could have said yes
universe is my limit
or he could hide anything like his power is limited
or has mercy left this much only to give you
or heaven is value of this earth

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